1930 Ford Model A
Remove paint. Unbolt and remove fenders. Free up water pump, change battery. Carburetor: remove, disassemble, clean and reinstall. Check fuel line, attach auxiliary gas tank, check distributor, clean points, remove, clean and reinstall spark plugs, get car running!
Remove body off frame, prepare chassis for paint, sand and tape off chassis. Prepare and paint chassis black, prepare and paint fenders parts, install wheels. Weld bottom on door, grind welds, fill with all metal. Metal work on back of cab, finish front on body, lower front cowl section; metal work, fit cab top roof pieces. Body work on cab, weld crack, belt line, down body work. Rear on body panel, filler, block sand cab rear, weld up holes. Body work, prepare for primer. Strip firewall and etching prime, grey primer with black stripes; body work, block doors, weld hole in cab, block doors and body, prepare for primer. Remove gas tank, strip metal inside cab, block and prepare back of cab; strip interior of paint, firewall inside windshield frame area, block driver door, prime and prepare for paint. Block doors, prepare tank. Front fenders, body work, rear fenders and running boards, prepare and prime, tailgate fit up, begin on bed, front apron under radiator, work on front of bed. Rear bed, prime tailgate, metal work on bed, weld in for rusted piece; bed metal work, disassemble bed, weld holes, sand blast bed parts, Scotch Brite wheel tank, prime with gray primer, body work on bed side, sandblast bed frame, hood, begin body work on bed side, weld other bed side, body work, blocking, sandblast hood both sides, body work on side panel of bed, prepare for primer. Straighten hood, make hinge part, weld, filler, block. Bed sides and assembly, prepare hood and rear fenders for paint. Fit up and assemble body parts, fender to running board fit up, rear fenders bolted to bed. Install doors on cab for fitment, prepare hood, prepare sun visor upper and lower, prepare and primer new longitudinal aprons, remove doors, fit fenders to new aprons, body work to make it fit, prime apron and fender. Remove wheels and remove tires, final prep: bed, cab and fenders. Paint cab, bed, tailgate, hood, doors, front right and front left fender supports fit to fenders. Prepare and paint black underneath fenders. Wet sand and polish fenders, body, cab, hood.
Assembly: Put welting on, install hood, mount headlights, install steering wheel and horn rod, install tailgate, install wiring harness, install rear fenders to bed; bed on; fenders on rear; spare wheels on tailgate on; install side fenders ; bed on frame; radiator seal, running board spacer, radiator ornament, wiring harness, get running, final assembly; running board bolted up, set hood, attach hood; connect wiring, attach wiring, attach fuel lines, gauge cluster. Get it running and driving. Test drive!