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919-522-4412 / 919-641-0230 

1737  Swift Creek Rd,  Smithfield, NC 27577

1955 Studebaker

Diagnostic. Remove and clean transmission oil pan; clean gasket, degrease rear differential, refill fluid in differential, change oil and filter on engine, sort fuel tank sending unit, attach ground, clean and paint transmission pan, install new gasket for sending unit, new gasket for cover in trunk pan, install rear cable, adjust door latch, remove and replace gas tank, run new steel fuel, remove, rebuild and reinstall carburetor, replace distributor, install points and condenser, install cap and rotor. Test drive. Adjust timing and carburetor idle, wire in fuel pump and fuel pressure regulator, adjust linkage for shifter, max out linkage for parking mechanism. Remove back of transmission, replace parking pawl, check transmission, install drive shaft, install new transmission gasket. Remove steering box and steering column, media blast and paint black surface, remove and replace old bushings, hone bushings to fit new trunnion shaft. Rebuild and install steering box. remove freeze plug, drain antifreeze. Replace brake lines, adjust trunnion, attach brake line, bleed master cylinder and brakes, replace motor mounts, install freeze plug. Test drive

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