1976 PORSCHE 912E WITH 1983 911 3.0 ENGINE
Compression check ok; remove and clean plugs, diagnostic: fuel/spark, remove and install cdi box, adjust clutch, spring on. Rebuild parking brakes. Test drive. Disassemble rear passenger side axle, remove old bearing, install new bearing, reassemble rear brakes, readjust parking brake. Oil change, adjust heater cable, change fan belt. Fix odometer, change bulbs, remove speedometer and sent for calibration. Install speedometer. Road test. Rebuild pedal assembly, install new bronze bushing. Install new shift bushing in transmission shifter. Install new tires, mount and balance. Install tubes on rear wheels because they are porous, performed routine review of underside-minor leaks, all good. Test road. Replace window frame felt, fix door handle, replace broken cable, replace door window on body. Diagnose pedal assembly, order spring, replace bolts in speedometer, tighten bolts on door return. Test drive.